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The Ringsash Circuit would like to acknowledge the ministries of those who appear as links to our website for their ongoing theological reflection, study and determination in their work to convey clearly the gospel, we pray God will continue to use your ministries for His glory. Thank you.

In no particular order…

Staff and team behind Stand to reason
The staff and team behind Be thinking .org
Hillary Morgan Ferrer - Mama Bear apologetics
Ben Joiner teen apologist
Mike Winger
William Crang Lane
Natasha Crane
David Pawson
Melissa Dougherty
The staff and team behind Tim Mackie of The Bible Project
The staff and team behind S. Michael Houdmann of Got Questions

If we have missed anyone, this is only an oversight for which we apologise, please let us know and we will rectify.

Whereas the Ringsash circuit endeavours to screen and to identify material to support the Christian seasons of the year and the apologetics of the Christian faith, it does not endorse personal views or other opinions which may be held by any of the above which go outside of the Scriptures or run contrary to the doctrines of our faith.

Thank you.

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