OUR mission statement
To share the gospel by word and deed; to build bridges and to be involved in the community.
our mission strategy
30X, 60X & 100X
The parable of the sower is the inspiration behind our circuit strategy. The seed that fell in the good soil produced a harvest 30X, 60X &100X.
This parable illustrates our mission strategy - the equipping of our churches to aid them in navigating the variety of worldviews and considering them from a Christian perspective, and ultimately produce a fruitful harvest as a result of this.
Click the link below to find out more about our Circuit's Mission Strategy, and how the parable symbolises our strategy and aims.
our aims
The aim of the circuit strategy is to help prepare the church (circuit) for the future, enable and equip new preachers and teachers of the gospel, and identify and create opportunities for new evangelists.
Over the next 5 years we aim to...
Identify 30 preachers of the gospel
Encourage 60 young people and parents to engage in apologetics
Working together we will celebrate God's gifts and blessings - A 100 reasons to rejoice and celebrate